Alt Policy

Here on Chronicles we have a very, very simple alt policy. Players are permitted to have 5 characters in play. Staff do not care how many of those fall into a particular splat. A player may play 2 Sin-Eaters/2 Vampires/1 Werewolf, 3 Werewolves/1 Psychic/1 Mortal, or 5 Mortals. The only restriction we do have is that a player may not have more than one character unapproved in Chargen at any given time. The most important thing to keep in mind, however, is that players are responsible for keeping their alts active.

A character may not pass information, money, or material goods between alts for any reason. No character should directly benefit from an alt character. This means that your Sin-Eater cannot send a friend to your Thaumaturge for occult advice ICly, your vampire cannot go to your Werewolf Alt for information, etc. Additionally, a player may not have 2 characters within the same faction (ie. pack, clan, covenant, krewe, etc).

Players who are found to be abusing the game policies will find themselves facing disciplinary actions, which could lead to being removed from the game.

Related Topics: Idle Policy|Freezer Policy
Last Updated: 01/25/20

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